
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

che reflection

CHE REFLECTION 2022 This year it has been a pleasure to be in this class. We have been offered heaps of cool opportunities such as going to Motorua Island, going on a Survival night and many other things. I utterly enjoyed this year as a Year Eight. My favorite experiences this year were Technology every Wednesday and the after-school touch and rippa tournament. This year we did something called the Brick test although I wasn't that good at it. I really enjoyed it and want to learn all my times tables. On Tuesday we do kapa haka. I am looking forward to next year.bIn the year nine there are many opportunities. There is a curriculum where you get to choose what you want to learn. I could do things.such as legal studies, rugby, golf, and many other options. I am going to choose rugby so I have had another enjoyable year. I am looking forward to next year.

surviver night 2022

                                                                Survivor night 2022

 Dear koro, survivor night 2022 will be a great opportunity to learn survival skills. The reason why I think I should go to survival night is that there will be good skills to learn like making your own tents, our own food and we also get to learn about wildlife and it will be very fun. And it will be a very good opportunity to practice our survival skills and it will be good to go into warm forest then sitting at home we get to do a lot of things like swimming walking and even sers challenges. And going on this trip will make me more organized and it will be a good memory to have in the future and these skills that we learn will come in handy in the future if we are lost and the adults know what they're doing and there a four of them coming and they are all medically trained. another reason why I think I should go is. I strongly suggest that i should it will be a good opportunity to hang out with my friends. Such as Lucas and Charlie do you really want me to stay home and be lazy if not you should send me to surviver night if you don't i will be sitting at home . We get to cook our own food it will be exciting skill learning day up in the wiama so this is why i would like go to surviver night 2022.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

motoua island

me and damion put this togather in one week to present to project island bird song    


Tuesday the 18th of October the bike northland traveled from Kaitaia to teach kaikohe Christian school about bike safety, the day was an opportunity for young people to grow in confidence in bike safety all of us learned about the A.B.C.D.E.Q  A-air B-brakes C-chain On D-drop On test On E end clips with Q quick release. Data shows that the more sport experience children have, the more successful and enjoyable their experience with sports is.

The day was an opportunity for young people to grow in confidence in a new sport, like riding bikes .And learn how to ride your bike properly. Was to learn how to be safe on your bike at home or on the roads or even at school. The 7&8 class learn’t how to fit a helmet properly. And the signals you need on the roads, all of us learned how to ride slow for when people needed it like when all of us played floors lava on the bikes which meant you needed to use your slow riding skills. The 7&8 class also played other games like riding to a cone with one tire and putting it over the cone witch means they had to use one hand and then get back to the start and high five the next person.    


The day started out as planned, the people that were riding first got their names called out so when that was done they told most 7&8 to line up tallest to shortest, then they gave them a helmet each to put on and fit it properly so they were safe. We got a bike from tallest to shortest, then they took us through the A.B.C.D.E.Q. Then they played games such as floors lava on bikes which all year 7&8 class had to use there slow riding skills to be good at the gamethey had to ride on the bikes and put the tire around cone so it was like a rally . 

The day started out great  after they finished their day full of bike safety kaikohe Christian school years 7&8 headed back to class, and bike northland headed off after a big day of work Wednesday 19th they came back to teach 5&6 about bike safety and how to ride a bike properly.  And the safeties and how to put your helmet on properly.Bike northland have traveld all over north teching schools all about bike safety so know kaikohe cristian school know all the safety rules to be safe on the road.